Never knew visiting a monument could be fun and enlightening not until when I got to the Voortrekkers monument. The Voortrekkers monument is located on a hilltop overlooking the entire city of Pretoria, South Africa. It’s a very beautiful building.

Was kind of lazy walking up the steps because it was on a hilltop but glad I summon the courage and strength to. The monument was built in honor of and dedicated to the Voortrekkers.
Entering into the monument, there were lots of interesting things inside the monument like the historical frieze, a cenotaph and cross section of some leather covered books. On the outside, there are well caved statues, nature reserve, wall of remembrance, garden of remembrance and lots more.

The entrance to the monument is through a black wrought iron gate with a spear motif. It’s called the Assegai spear. The gate leads to a big ‘laager’ consisting of 64 ox-wagons made out of decorative granite.

Here are some artifacts from inside the monument
The monument is a very good place to explore and learn about things and people that have contributed to South Africa history. It’s a must see place when you visit Pretoria. I had a very good time and I’m sure you would too.
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. SayNoToXenophobia Africans. We are one.